A tranquil spirit revives the body, but envy rots the bones

Proverbs 14:30
"A tranquil spirit revives the body, but envy rots the bones."

  On one occasion F.B. Meyer held a meeting in Northfield, Massachusetts. Many people came to listen to his messages were horrendous. On another occasion, a famous preacher G. Campbell Morgan came to the same place. As soon as people gathered to listen to the explanation of the Bible that brings. Apparently a lot of people are flocking to Morgan than to Meyer. Meyer became jealous. But Meyer's words indicate that he was trying to wipe out heart envy. "The only way to conquer my feelings are praying for Morgan each day. That's what I do," said Meyer.

  Envy is a feeling of anger, revenge, hatred, resentment arising from the quality, property or positions of others, in which he desires to have belonged to the people for himself. Jealousy does not recognize the time and did not know personally. Joseph's brothers jealous of Joseph because Jacob favored Joseph, coupled with a lack of Joseph's dreams can be understood and accepted them.
  That's why envy should be swept clean. To sweep away the envy we had to start by thanking the advantages of others and not wanting the advantages of it for ourselves. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to our hearts roam and destroy all envious that still binds us, so that the peace of God rule our hearts back. God bless.

O God the Holy Spirit, come into my heart, investigate and cleanse my heart of envy that had overtaken the envy of my heart .... I want to be free and independent person, so that your joy back over me. Amen.
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A tranquil spirit revives the body,but envy rots the bones