John 15: 7 "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and you shall receive."
There are many contemporary of the prophet Elijah, but God used Elijah than all the prophets. This is because Elijah listen to God and God listened to Elijah. Elijah and God's relationship intimacy is very influenced by the hope and faith of Elijah. When Elijah comes by faith ask God to restore the lives of young widow in Zarephath He grant it. When Elijah to call fire down from heaven to burn the burnt offering, in a moment snatched down fire.
Why does God listen to all applications Elijah? Because Elijah is in Allah and His words live on in Elia. This is true intimacy. Jesus also said that we are children of God. Children naturally have a more intimate relationship with his father more than anyone. Status as a child allows us to ask the Father in heaven do things that are impossible for us to do. The problem is whether we've shown that we have a child that is pleasing to the Father? What we've said and listened to hear Him and do His will? If the Father hears the prayers of Elijah devout and love Him, He also will listen to us if we are obedient. God bless.
Jesus, grant me a willing heart obedient to You, so that my life could be a sign of presence and your love for the neighbor. Now I open my heart to you, go and Compose in my life. Amen.
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If you remain in me and my words remain in you
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