But not my will, but thine be done

Luke 22:42
"But not my will, but thine be done."

  President Lincoln would make a statement to the clergy in the early days of the war. The minister whispered to President Lincoln, "Let us have faith, Mr President, that God is on our side during this difficult struggle." President Lincoln she replied, "I do not worry about it, because I know that God is always on the right side, but anxiety and prayer that I constantly is whether my country was on God's side." Often we ask the Lord to adjust our way of thinking, but have we ever tried to adjust ourselves to God's way of thinking. Stephen Crotts said, "God has the right to edit our prayers. It will edit our prayers, fix it, bring it in accordance with His will and then hand it back to us to be delivered back to him." Therefore, let us examine ourselves whether all this is in conformity with the act and pleasing to God, or precisely what I do just to please myself? God bless.

Jesus, forgive me if I've been too often dictate you to want to do what I want and not what you want. Now give me humility and openness of heart to receive any Your will in my life, so my life through your will increasingly mean and produce fruit for my neighbor. Amen.
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But not my will,but thine be done