He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name."

Psalm 23: 3
"He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name."

  A comfortable home must be the dream of every person. One of the criteria that is comfortable to live in the house is a house that is fresh and cool. The house is fresh and cool requires a green open space. Special room this plant can be made at the backyard. Green open space is not only a role in greening the home, but also useful to help the movement of air in the house. If air in the flow to the outside, then the air pressure in the fall and will create new air from the outside in to replace him. This process continues so that the air in the house is always changing.
  Our hearts just like a home. If we never leave our hearts something fresh and cool, but continues to be filled with dirty air, such as negative thoughts, jealousy, hatred and lust, then our hearts will feel hot and stuffy. Give the coolness of our hearts by letting the fresh air like joy, serenity, joy and positive thoughts into it. Then make a small garden by planting praise and worship to God at any time. The Lord is the source of all that is good and he was able to keep our hearts remain fresh. Continue to remember God and let our hearts are filled with air is cool and healthy. God bless.

Jesus, I want to fill my heart with beautiful days with You, so that Your love jet flowing into and control of heart which can then be felt by people around me, so that they can feel comfortable when I'm nearby. Amen.
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He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name."