For a better day at pelataranMu than a thousand elsewhere

Psalm 84:11
"For a better day at pelataranMu than a thousand elsewhere."

  Jesse walked into the house with a small bucket of honey in his hand. Since the fall, honey smeared onto the edges of the bucket. Then he cleaned the edges of the bucket with his fingers and he licked his fingers. Vincent noticed that his actions said, "Jes, what's in embermu?" "Honey," he said simply. "Honey, is it sweet?" he asked again. "Yes," replied Jesse brief. "How sweet?" he asked again. "Very sweet," said Jesse. "Jes, you can not tell how sweet nectar it?" Vincent said. Jesse finally said, "Here, you can dip your finger into this bucket and see how sweet honey!"
Someone will know how sweet honey if it itself directly enjoy it rather than just listening to the stories of others. Similarly, the sweetness of heavenly nectar that is felt by a man who walked with God. When we take the time to keep silence before Him, by praying and meditating on His Word, we will feel how powerful presence and His words calmed the turbulent emotions in our souls. Is not that a nice thing? David sweetness that is experienced and she said that it is better to be a long day at the house of the Lord than a thousand days of silence in the tent of the wicked. Is your soul is in desperate need of freshness and tranquility at this time? Do not just stand still, step out immediately, reguklah freshness and tranquility to seek God in prayer and reading His Word. God bless.

Jesus, increase my longing for Your word, like a thirsty deer and missed the fresh water. So that the freshness and tranquility that I received through words, can also be felt by others. Amen.
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For a better day at pelataranMu than a thousand elsewhere