Matthew 6: 22-23
"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body is clear; if your eye is bad, your whole body is darkened. So if the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness."
Eagles have a very good eye sight, especially at a time of day when an eagle work. From its nest high, or when he was flying high in the air, it can monitor the movement of prey in the land, that minor chicks, bunnies or even the fish that were in the water. A very keen eye to make the eagle will not get restless life. If he was hungry, he lived only to observe the bottom, and soon it will get its prey. What a tremendous boon. In the above passage indicates that the crucial role of our lives. Terangkah will be or will be gelapkah our lives, it depends on the work of our eyes. Eyes become windows to the soul, from which the entry of foreign matters into our lives. That's why our eyes should be as sharp as an eagle's eye can see and distinguish things that are pleasing to God and do things that are sinful. Let us use our eyes to see things that are good. If our eyes are contaminated to always see the bad, ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse the eyes and minds, so that through the Holy Spirit, our eyes will be blessing to our lives. God bless.
Jesus, thank you for points that you gave me. Forgive me if I've been polluting my mind because of this that You gave me to see, watch and read things that are not pleasing to You. Sanctify my eyes back up my mind pure before You. Amen.
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The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good,your whole body is clear
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