He who despises his neighbor lacks sense, but a man of understanding keeps silent

Proverbs 11:12
"He who despises his neighbor lacks sense, but a man of understanding keeps silent."

   Many species of fungi in the world that has form and color are very unique and different from each other. Of all the types of mold, mildew fungi brain is one of the ugly. But one thought, it can be obtained through this fungus food. Just like fungi, have various forms of human face, body and skin color is different. There are certain people who are considered to have a beautiful face, handsome, indifferent or even considered ugly. Similarly, the shape of the body. Unfortunately, sometimes they are not pronounced correctly. Some people love his neighbor as deemed ugly or have a disability.

  If there are people who are happy to insult us and finally we are ashamed and do not believe in yourself, start now, do not more sad and disappointed. Remember when God created the earth and everything in it, and every time he finished a creation, He said that it was good. It includes also human. God made us in His image and said good. We are so beautiful and good in the eyes of God.
Readings above says that the person who loves his neighbor is not a person who understands. And also it is said in Proverbs 14:21 that anyone who loves his neighbor, the person has sinned. So, to let us feel inferior and ashamed of myself? People who insult us ought to be ashamed of their foolish and sinful in God's eyes. Remember that we are not at all bad, but so wonderful because we are precious in His sight. God bless.

Jesus, berikah me wisdom so that I could see every beautiful person in Your eyes. Do not let me insult my neighbor because his physique did not like me. Amen.
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but a man of understanding keeps silent,He who despises his neighbor lacks sense